Do you know the importance for your business of having your information ordered and available at any time? With a good management of your information you will be able to know in depth the performance of your business and your personal finances, make the most appropriate and opportune decisions for the success of your business and personal growth. The order in your information will give you benefits to improve your sales, relationships with customers, suppliers and funders, etc.Applikate is the platform that supports you for better administration and management of your business, improving your finances, savings, sales, marketing and decision-making ... all in one application without distracting yourself from your main activity and without the use of notebooks, softwares complicated or long courses.As the owner of a micro and small business Applikate with your records and your information and support your growth.With Applikate and only registering your INCOME AND EXPENSES you can:Know the movement of your moneyYou will know the detail of the movement of your money all your sales, your purchases and all your expenses, and you will know how much money you earned per day, per week, per month or the period that you require.Know who owes you and who you oweYou will have the data of your accounts receivable and pays, the amounts and the history of the payments and collections that you are making, so you will not lose any detail.Categorize and organize your expensesYou will know in what and when you spent your money, differentiated by expense categories, by dates, by amount and what are the most representative expenses. With that information you can determine reductions in your expenses and plan savings.Stock of your productsFor commercial microenterprises only. You will know your inventories and the behavior of purchases and sales that you have so that you can plan your stocks and expenses.Clients and suppliersYou will know the purchasing behavior of your customers to be able to plan marketing strategies. You will know your purchasing behavior and relationship with suppliers. With that information you will establish efficiency in your business to improve sales and reduce costs.It will allow easier access to financing for business or home, knowing exactly where you spend your money and at what time, knowing what products really represent profits, customers and their behavior, your inventoriesThe success of any business is based on the quality of the information for a correct, adequate and efficient decision-making process. Being in control of your business requires being aware of the financial movement